Wyoming Wilderness Company
The Wyoming Wilderness Company (WWC) has been in the works for over 10 years now. It will become the clothing line under the tpeakart banner.
What started off as a yearly gathering event for old friends in the wyoming mountains has become an idea for a company. The Wyoming Wilderness Challenge takes place once a year, high in the mountains, as far away from any other humans as we can get.
the first wwc was in the fall of 2007. i have been designing gear including shirts, hats, mugs, hoodies, flannels and even koozies since the beginning. there has always been a flood of ideas and designs in my mind that could be very marketable, but i never had the guts to just go for it. up until now, i have kept my ideas and logos small, only making decals and using some of them for challenge logos.
since launching my website and dedicating a little more time to my artwork, I am finally at a place where I think I can take on some of this challenge! my ideas of logos and decals that capture my love for the outdoors will finally be put into clothing form for everyone to enjoy.
I am starting small with shirts first and probably on a semi annual order, where i can take one large order from time to time and kick that out. as time goes on, I hope to do more with it. I hope you enjoy.
WWC Buffalo
Its only fitting that one of the first WWC logos makes the first run of tshirts! This idea had been kicked around in my mellon for a long time and even had versions of it in the sketchbooks as far back as the beginning of WWC.
Wyo Brown trout
this is a personal fav of mine and hopefully yours too. This logo was designed in 2016.
307 Tetons
This idea is one of my oldest! Maybe before the idea for WWC was even an idea! This was in my sketchbook for years and was gonna be a tattoo. Maybe it still will be. I still love the design and the colors and it takes a watered down idea (307) and gives it an original twist with the Tetons. Turns out, it makes a killer logo as well. Ive decided to share it with the WWC fans. If I ever see this tattooed on you, I might break your leg ;-)
Keep up with what I'm doing! Follow me on Instagram! TPEAK
ABout the Artist
The Artist Dude
I'm a Wyoming boy born and raised. My art tends to reflect that. I'm not the artist who seeks to fill the viewer with deep thoughts. I try to capture a single moment or the beauty in the things that intrigue me. Being on a river or in the mountains throwing flies to hungry, feeding fish is something I never get sick of. This inspires many of my pieces. Majestic elk, moose, bison, big horn sheep among others are also things that intrigue me. You will see this in my artwork.
I dont have a "style" yet. I often spend a lot of time on great detail but I also am not afraid to be loose or get out of hand with the colors. Breaking the rules is ok.
I'm an art teacher, but lets just say I'm not your typical art dude. I'm a weird combination of Art Teacher, PE Teacher, Wrestling Coach all rolled up into one.
Early in life, I was good at two things. Wrestling and Art. Just as fortunate more me, I had kickass art teachers and an awesome wrestling coach. That all led me down the path that I would never stray from. I attended college on art and wrestling scholarships. I had successful college careers in both, graduating as an NCAA II All American Wrestler as well as with a degree in Education with endorsements in Art, PE, Health and Coaching.
Now days, I'm a father to three AMAZINGLY cute kids. We have two girls Rowyn 7, Remi 6 and a boy Ryder 5! My life is busy! I'm the head coach of a respected high school wrestling team and I have a kickass job teaching art with some awesome people.
While I'm boring you, here are a few more things I'm in to...my family, wrestling, fishing, art, camping, snowboarding, eating awesome food, IPA, hiking, working out, building things and I even dabbled in MMA for a while. I still would be if I hadn't found some more important priorities in my life.
I'm out of time and you're sick of reading. Enjoy the site!
wyoming wilderness company decals
REAPER Lures and TPeakArt have teamed up to bring you this badass brown trout lure!
REAPER’s HOTT and TEMPTING lure is also for sale on the site!
Comes in a White Figure with a Red rubber body or a Silver Figure with a Black rubber body.